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Basin to mid-ramp cyclic facies of the Tithonian Vaca Muerta Formation are exposed in the Loncoche Creek section of the Neuquen Basin, Mendoza province, Argentina. This unit is characterized by a decimeter-scale rhythmic alternation of marls, shales and limestones and extends from the lower Tithonian to the upper Berriasian. Cyclostratigraphic studies based on a detailed facies analysis allowed the identification of cyclic patterns with frequencies within the Milankovitch band. According to biostratigraphic data, the dominant cycle in the studied section has a period of 20 k.y., which correlates with the Earth's axis precession element. Spectral analysis based on a series of compacted and decompacted cycle thickness identified a subordinate frequency of about 90 to 120 k.y., which we interpret as the modulation of the precessional cycle caused by the Earth's orbital eccentricity. The strength of the precession signal, together with the absence of a well-defined cyclicity attributable to the obliquity orbital cycle [i.e., ̃40 k.y.), is in agreement with previous data from the Northern Hemisphere. © 2011. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Evidence of precessional and eccentricity orbital cycles in a Tithonian source rock: The mid-outer carbonate ramp of the Vaca muerta formation, Northern Neuqué Basin, Argentina
Autor:Kietzmann, D.A.; Martí-Chivelet, J.; Palma, R.M.; López-Gó, J.; Lescano, M.; Concheyro, A.
Filiación:Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Faculated de Cienicias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires-Consejo, Pad. 2, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departmento de Estratigrafia, Instituto de Geologia Económica-IGEO (CSIC-UCM), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Palabras clave:Argentina; Cyclic patterns; Cyclicity; Facies analysis; Milankovitch; Northern Hemispheres; Orbital eccentricity; Source rocks; Spectrum analysis; Fertilizers; biostratigraphy; carbonate ramp; cyclostratigraphy; eccentricity; facies; limestone; marl; precession; shale; source rock; spectral analysis; Tithonian; Argentina; Neuquen Basin
Página de inicio:1459
Página de fin:1474
Título revista:AAPG Bulletin
Título revista abreviado:AAPG Bull.


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---------- APA ----------
Kietzmann, D.A., Martí-Chivelet, J., Palma, R.M., López-Gó, J., Lescano, M. & Concheyro, A. (2011) . Evidence of precessional and eccentricity orbital cycles in a Tithonian source rock: The mid-outer carbonate ramp of the Vaca muerta formation, Northern Neuqué Basin, Argentina. AAPG Bulletin, 95(9), 1459-1474.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Kietzmann, D.A., Martí-Chivelet, J., Palma, R.M., López-Gó, J., Lescano, M., Concheyro, A. "Evidence of precessional and eccentricity orbital cycles in a Tithonian source rock: The mid-outer carbonate ramp of the Vaca muerta formation, Northern Neuqué Basin, Argentina" . AAPG Bulletin 95, no. 9 (2011) : 1459-1474.
---------- MLA ----------
Kietzmann, D.A., Martí-Chivelet, J., Palma, R.M., López-Gó, J., Lescano, M., Concheyro, A. "Evidence of precessional and eccentricity orbital cycles in a Tithonian source rock: The mid-outer carbonate ramp of the Vaca muerta formation, Northern Neuqué Basin, Argentina" . AAPG Bulletin, vol. 95, no. 9, 2011, pp. 1459-1474.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Kietzmann, D.A., Martí-Chivelet, J., Palma, R.M., López-Gó, J., Lescano, M., Concheyro, A. Evidence of precessional and eccentricity orbital cycles in a Tithonian source rock: The mid-outer carbonate ramp of the Vaca muerta formation, Northern Neuqué Basin, Argentina. AAPG Bull. 2011;95(9):1459-1474.