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We present a characterization of states in generalized probabilistic models by appealing to a non-commutative version of geometric probability theory based on algebraic geometry techniques. Our theoretical framework allows for incorporation of invariant states in a natural way. © 2019 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences.


Documento: Artículo
Título:States in generalized probabilistic models: An approach based in algebraic geometry
Autor:Massri, C.; Holik, F.; Plastino, A.
Filiación:Departamento de Matematicá, Universidad CAECE, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto IMAS, CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Instituto de Física (IFLP-CCT-CONICET), C.C. 727, La Plata, 1900, Argentina
Palabras clave:algebraic geometry; invariant states; lattice theory; non-commutative measure theory; quantum probability; quantum states
Página de inicio:53
Página de fin:70
Título revista:Mathematica Slovaca
Título revista abreviado:Math. Slovaca


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---------- APA ----------
Massri, C., Holik, F. & Plastino, A. (2019) . States in generalized probabilistic models: An approach based in algebraic geometry. Mathematica Slovaca, 69(1), 53-70.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Massri, C., Holik, F., Plastino, A. "States in generalized probabilistic models: An approach based in algebraic geometry" . Mathematica Slovaca 69, no. 1 (2019) : 53-70.
---------- MLA ----------
Massri, C., Holik, F., Plastino, A. "States in generalized probabilistic models: An approach based in algebraic geometry" . Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 69, no. 1, 2019, pp. 53-70.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Massri, C., Holik, F., Plastino, A. States in generalized probabilistic models: An approach based in algebraic geometry. Math. Slovaca. 2019;69(1):53-70.