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For a general class of gas models - which includes discrete and continuous Gibbsian models as well as contour or polymer ensembles - we determine a diluteness condition that implies: (1) uniqueness of the infinite-volume equilibrium measure; (2) stability of this measure under perturbations of parameters and discretization schemes, and (3) existence of a coupled perfect-simulation scheme for the infinite-volume measure together with its perturbations and discretizations. Some of these results have previously been obtained through methods based on cluster expansions. In contrast, our treatment is purely probabilistic and its diluteness condition is weaker than existing convergence conditions for cluster expansions. © 2016 World Scientific Publishing Company.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Stability of gas measures under perturbations and discretizations
Autor:Fernández, R.; Groisman, P.; Saglietti, S.
Filiación:Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University, Netherlands
IMAS-CONICET, Departamento de Matemática, FCEN-UBA, Argentina
NYU-ECNU, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, Shanghai, China
Departamento de Matemática, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile
Palabras clave:discretization; Gibbs measures; perfect simulation; point processes
Título revista:Reviews in Mathematical Physics
Título revista abreviado:Rev. Math. Phys.


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---------- APA ----------
Fernández, R., Groisman, P. & Saglietti, S. (2016) . Stability of gas measures under perturbations and discretizations. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 28(10).
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Fernández, R., Groisman, P., Saglietti, S. "Stability of gas measures under perturbations and discretizations" . Reviews in Mathematical Physics 28, no. 10 (2016).
---------- MLA ----------
Fernández, R., Groisman, P., Saglietti, S. "Stability of gas measures under perturbations and discretizations" . Reviews in Mathematical Physics, vol. 28, no. 10, 2016.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Fernández, R., Groisman, P., Saglietti, S. Stability of gas measures under perturbations and discretizations. Rev. Math. Phys. 2016;28(10).