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Coastal wetlands are complex hydrogeological systems, in which saline groundwater usually occurs. Salinity can be attributed to many origins, such as dissolution of minerals in the sediments, marine contribution and evapotranspiration, among others. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the processes that condition the hydrochemistry of an arid marsh, Playa Fracasso, located in Patagonia, Argentina. A study of the dynamics and geochemistry of the groundwater was carried out in each hydrogeomorphological unit, using major ion and isotope ( 18 O and 2 H) data, soil profiles descriptions and measurements, and recording of water tables in relation to the tidal flow. Water balances and analytical models based on isotope data were used to quantify the evaporation processes and to define the role of evaporation in the chemical composition of water. The results obtained show that the groundwater salinity of the marsh comes mainly from the tidal inflow, to which the halite and gypsum dissolution is added. These mineral facies are the result of the total evaporation of the marine water flooding that occurs mostly at the spring high tides. The isotope relationships in the fan and bajada samples show the occurrence of evaporation processes. Such processes, however, are not mainly responsible for the saline content of groundwater, which is actually generated by the dissolution of the typical evaporite facies of the arid environment sediments. It is concluded that the evapotranspiration processes condition groundwater quality. This is not only due to the saline enrichment caused by the evapotranspiration of shallow water, but also because such processes are the main drivers of the formation of soluble salts, which are then incorporated into the water by groundwater or tidal flow. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


Documento: Artículo
Título:The role of evapotranspiration in the groundwater hydrochemistry of an arid coastal wetland (Península Valdés, Argentina)
Autor:Alvarez, M.D.P.; Carol, E.; Dapeña, C.
Filiación:Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Calle 122 y 60, La Plata, Buenos Aires, 1900, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Calle 64 #3 (entre 119 y 120), La Plata, Buenos Aires, 1900, Argentina
Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (INGEIS, CONICET - UBA), Argentina
Palabras clave:Chemistry; Marsh; Patagonia; Water; Chemical analysis; Chemistry; Dissolution; Evaporation; Evapotranspiration; Groundwater; Hydrochemistry; Isotopes; Saline water; Soil surveys; Soils; Water; Water quality; Wetlands; Chemical compositions; Dissolution of minerals; Evaporation process; Ground-water qualities; Groundwater salinities; Gypsum dissolution; Marsh; Patagonia; Groundwater geochemistry; bicarbonate; calcium carbonate; calcium ion; calcium sulfate; chloride ion; deuterium; ground water; halite; mineral; oxygen 18; sodium chloride; sodium ion; sulfate; unclassified drug; ground water; arid environment; coastal wetland; evapotranspiration; groundwater; ion; marsh; oxygen isotope; salinity; water budget; water chemistry; Argentina; Article; chemical composition; chemistry; coastal waters; dissolution; evapotranspiration; fluid balance; geochemistry; geomorphology; hydrochemistry; hydrodynamics; hydrogeomorphology; hydrology; mathematical model; precipitation; salinity; sediment; soil texture; water flow; water quality; water table; wetland; analysis; environmental monitoring; evapotranspiration; statistics and numerical data; water supply; Argentina; Chubut; Patagonia; Valdes Peninsula; Argentina; Environmental Monitoring; Groundwater; Plant Transpiration; Water Supply; Wetlands
Página de inicio:299
Página de fin:307
Título revista:Science of the Total Environment
Título revista abreviado:Sci. Total Environ.
CAS:bicarbonate, 144-55-8, 71-52-3; calcium carbonate, 13397-26-7, 13701-58-1, 14791-73-2, 471-34-1; calcium ion, 14127-61-8; calcium sulfate, 13397-24-5, 23296-15-3, 7778-18-9; deuterium, 7782-39-0; oxygen 18, 14797-71-8; sodium chloride, 7647-14-5; sodium ion, 17341-25-2; sulfate, 14808-79-8


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---------- APA ----------
Alvarez, M.D.P., Carol, E. & Dapeña, C. (2015) . The role of evapotranspiration in the groundwater hydrochemistry of an arid coastal wetland (Península Valdés, Argentina). Science of the Total Environment, 506-507, 299-307.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Alvarez, M.D.P., Carol, E., Dapeña, C. "The role of evapotranspiration in the groundwater hydrochemistry of an arid coastal wetland (Península Valdés, Argentina)" . Science of the Total Environment 506-507 (2015) : 299-307.
---------- MLA ----------
Alvarez, M.D.P., Carol, E., Dapeña, C. "The role of evapotranspiration in the groundwater hydrochemistry of an arid coastal wetland (Península Valdés, Argentina)" . Science of the Total Environment, vol. 506-507, 2015, pp. 299-307.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Alvarez, M.D.P., Carol, E., Dapeña, C. The role of evapotranspiration in the groundwater hydrochemistry of an arid coastal wetland (Península Valdés, Argentina). Sci. Total Environ. 2015;506-507:299-307.