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Prosopis (mesquite) is a commercially promising plant genus that has received increased attention lately. Allelic frequencies at 25 enzyme loci in seven species from the section Algarobia were transformed in matrices of genetic distance using three methods. The indices give highly correlated results; only in the cluster Prosopis alba -P. hassleri were minor discrepancies evident. The phenetic relationships observed agree with other biochemical evidence (chromatography of phenol compounds, electrophoresis of seed proteins, etc) but not with morphological groupings. The present data support the hypothesis that the species belonging to the section Algarobia would be equivalent to sub- or semispecies; the community of such sympatric subspecies constitutes a syngameon. © 1987 Springer-Verlag.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Analysis of the genetic similarities among seven species of Prosopis (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae)
Autor:Saidman, B.O.; Vilardi, J.C.
Filiación:Lab. de Genética, Depto. Cs. Biológicas, Fac. Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave:Genetic distance; Genetic variability; Isoenzymes; Prosopis; Syngameon
Página de inicio:109
Página de fin:116
Título revista:Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Título revista abreviado:Theoret. Appl. Genetics


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---------- APA ----------
Saidman, B.O. & Vilardi, J.C. (1987) . Analysis of the genetic similarities among seven species of Prosopis (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 75(1), 109-116.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Saidman, B.O., Vilardi, J.C. "Analysis of the genetic similarities among seven species of Prosopis (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae)" . Theoretical and Applied Genetics 75, no. 1 (1987) : 109-116.
---------- MLA ----------
Saidman, B.O., Vilardi, J.C. "Analysis of the genetic similarities among seven species of Prosopis (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae)" . Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 75, no. 1, 1987, pp. 109-116.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Saidman, B.O., Vilardi, J.C. Analysis of the genetic similarities among seven species of Prosopis (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae). Theoret. Appl. Genetics. 1987;75(1):109-116.