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Cladistic analyses are made based on morphological characters and chromosome basic numbers in order to test the monophyly of the nine series of genus Turnera (Turneraceae). Series Annutlares and Turnera are monophyletic, and also series Anomalae with the exception of two species with unknown fruit and seed morphology. Series Microphyllae and Papilliferae should be merged, and also series Salicifoliae and Stenodictyae together with some species of series Capitatae. The Capitatae split in several groups and series Leiocarpae is unresolved. The Turnera sidoides complex should be separated into a new series. Biogeographic analyses show that the major diversification of the genus took place in the Chaquean subregion, with vicariance and dispersal events to other Neotropical subregions and Africa.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Morphology, phylogeny and biogeography of turnera L. (Turneraceae)
Autor:Arbo, M.M.; Espert, S.M.
Filiación:Instituto Debotánica Delnordeste (UNNE-CONICET), C.C. 209, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Africa; America; Biogeography; Phylogeny; Turnera; chromosome; cladistics; dicotyledon; dispersal; fruit; morphology; Neotropical Region; phylogeny; phytogeography; vicariance; Africa; North America; United States; Turnera; Turnera sidoides; Turneraceae
Página de inicio:457
Página de fin:467
Título revista:Taxon
Título revista abreviado:Taxon


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---------- APA ----------
Arbo, M.M. & Espert, S.M. (2009) . Morphology, phylogeny and biogeography of turnera L. (Turneraceae). Taxon, 58(2), 457-467.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Arbo, M.M., Espert, S.M. "Morphology, phylogeny and biogeography of turnera L. (Turneraceae)" . Taxon 58, no. 2 (2009) : 457-467.
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---------- MLA ----------
Arbo, M.M., Espert, S.M. "Morphology, phylogeny and biogeography of turnera L. (Turneraceae)" . Taxon, vol. 58, no. 2, 2009, pp. 457-467.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Arbo, M.M., Espert, S.M. Morphology, phylogeny and biogeography of turnera L. (Turneraceae). Taxon. 2009;58(2):457-467.
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