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The author puts forward her ideas regarding the 'phase of nidation' in psychoanalytic work. This phase generally takes place during the first period of the treatment of patients qualified as 'difficult'. These non neurotic patients, characterised by a double psychic functioning - mainly narcissistic - and by their remarkable use of the mechanisms of splitting, often demand that the analytic field be structured in a face-to-face context. This paper aims to examine ideas linked to the concepts of regression, inner disposition, transference/counter-transference and others, referring them to the ways in which the 'face-to-face' relation can be used as a technical innovation, with the intention of shedding light on its current ill-defined conceptualisation. The author puts forward her ideas regarding the 'phase of nidation' in psychoanalytic work. This phase generally takes place during the first period of the treatment of patients qualified as 'difficult'. These non neurotic patients, characterised by a double psychic functioning - mainly narcissistic - and by their remarkable use of the mechanisms of splitting, often demand that the analytic field be structured in a face-to-face context. This paper aims to examine ideas linked to the concepts of regression, inner disposition, transference/counter-transference and others, referring them to the ways in which the 'face-to-face' relation can be used as a technical innovation, with the intention of shedding light on its current ill-defined conceptualisation.


Documento: Artículo
Título:La 'phase de nidation'. Processus ou non-processus dans le travail psychanalytique ?
Autor:Bichi, E.L.
Filiación:Zavalia 2058, Piso 7, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Ego-visual skin; Face-to-face; Phase of nidation; Psychoanalytic process; Regression; Symbolisation; Transference/counter-transference
Página de inicio:417
Página de fin:429
Título revista:Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse
Título revista abreviado:Rev. Fr. Psychanal.


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---------- APA ----------
(2005) . La 'phase de nidation'. Processus ou non-processus dans le travail psychanalytique ?. Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, 69(2), 417-429.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Bichi, E.L. "La 'phase de nidation'. Processus ou non-processus dans le travail psychanalytique ?" . Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 69, no. 2 (2005) : 417-429.
---------- MLA ----------
Bichi, E.L. "La 'phase de nidation'. Processus ou non-processus dans le travail psychanalytique ?" . Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, vol. 69, no. 2, 2005, pp. 417-429.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Bichi, E.L. La 'phase de nidation'. Processus ou non-processus dans le travail psychanalytique ?. Rev. Fr. Psychanal. 2005;69(2):417-429.