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It is frequently encountered in polymers literature that a set of experimental curves can be translated along a given direction to form a master curve. One of the most known examples is the time-temperature superposition, where the translation is generally performed along the horizontal axis. The superposition of the different experimental curves is normally made graphically leading to some ambiguities in the construction of the master curve and in the determination of the translation paths. Starting from the analytical conditions to be satisfied by a set of curves which are related by a translation along a given direction, a computer programme is developed in order to get the master curve form a set of experimental data, when such a master curve is present. Finally, some examples of the applicability of the computer programme developed, for simulated storage shear compliance, viscosity against shear rate, and stress relaxation data are presented.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Analytical-numerical procedure to determine if a set of experimental curves can be superimposed to form a master curve
Autor:Hermida, Elida B.; Povolo, F.
Filiación:Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y, Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Idioma: Inglés
Palabras clave:Computer software; Graphic methods; Numerical methods; Shear stress; Stress relaxation; Viscoelasticity; Master curve; Scaling; Time temperature superposition; PolymersPB - Society of Polymer Science, JpnCP - Tokyo, Japan
Página de inicio:981
Página de fin:992
Título revista:Polymer Journal
Título revista abreviado:Polym J


---------- APA ----------
Hermida, Elida B. & Povolo, F. (1994) . Analytical-numerical procedure to determine if a set of experimental curves can be superimposed to form a master curve. Polymer Journal, 26(9), 981-992.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Hermida, Elida B., Povolo, F. "Analytical-numerical procedure to determine if a set of experimental curves can be superimposed to form a master curve" . Polymer Journal 26, no. 9 (1994) : 981-992.
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---------- MLA ----------
Hermida, Elida B., Povolo, F. "Analytical-numerical procedure to determine if a set of experimental curves can be superimposed to form a master curve" . Polymer Journal, vol. 26, no. 9, 1994, pp. 981-992.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Hermida, Elida B., Povolo, F. Analytical-numerical procedure to determine if a set of experimental curves can be superimposed to form a master curve. Polym J. 1994;26(9):981-992.
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