
De Angelo, C.; Paviolo, A.; Rode, D.; Cullen, L.; Sana, D.; Abreu, K.C.; Xavier Da Silva, M.; Bertrand, A.-S.; Haag, T.; Lima, F.; Rinaldi, A.R.; Fernàndez, S.; Ramírez, F.; Velàzquez, M.; Corio, C.; Hasson, E.; Di Bitetti, M.S. "Participatory networks for large-scale monitoring of large carnivores: Pumas and jaguars of the Upper Paraná atlantic forest" (2011) ORYX. 45(4):534-545
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Most large carnivores are secretive and threatened, and these characteristics pose problems for research on, and monitoring of, these species across extensive areas. Participatory monitoring, however, can be a useful tool for obtaining long-term data across large areas. Pumas Puma concolor and jaguars Panthera onca are the largest predators in the threatened Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest. To survey the presence of these two species we established a participatory network of volunteers and a partnership with researchers in the three countries that share the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay). We trained participants in simple methods of collecting faeces and track imprints of large felids. Between 2002 and 2008 > 100 volunteers helped with monitoring, obtaining 1,633 records identified as pumas or jaguars across c. 92,890 km 2 . We confirmed jaguar presence in a large section of the Misiones Green Corridor in Argentina and in the largest protected areas of Brazil and Paraguay. Pumas exhibited a wider distribution, being recorded throughout Misiones province in Argentina and in some areas of Brazil and Paraguay where jaguars were not detected. Both species, and especially jaguars, were detected mainly in the few remaining medium and large forest fragments in this Forest. Although these carnivores are often in conflict with local people, their charisma and cultural significance makes them flagship species that motivated the participation of volunteers and institutions. Participatory monitoring allowed coverage of a vast area at relatively low cost whilst enhancing collaborative management policies among people and institutions from three countries. © 2011 Fauna & Flora International.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Participatory networks for large-scale monitoring of large carnivores: Pumas and jaguars of the Upper Paraná atlantic forest
Autor:De Angelo, C.; Paviolo, A.; Rode, D.; Cullen, L.; Sana, D.; Abreu, K.C.; Xavier Da Silva, M.; Bertrand, A.-S.; Haag, T.; Lima, F.; Rinaldi, A.R.; Fernàndez, S.; Ramírez, F.; Velàzquez, M.; Corio, C.; Hasson, E.; Di Bitetti, M.S.
Filiación:National Research Council Instituto de Biología Subtropical, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina
Asociación Civil Centro de Investigaciones Del BosqueAtlá ntico, Yapeý 23, Puerto Iguaź, Misiones, Argentina
Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina
Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas, Teodoro Sampaio, Brazil
Instituto Pŕ-Carnívoros, Atibaia, Brazil
Laboratorio de Biogeográfia da, Universidade Federal Do Paraná, Goiás, Brazil
Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, Foz do Igua̧u, Brazil
Rede Verde Conservation Network, Foz do Igua̧u, Brazil
Programa de Pós-Gradua̧ão em Genética Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Laboratório de Biologia Genômica e Molecular, Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Laboratório de Biodiversidade, Conserva̧ão e Ecologia de Animais Silvestres, Universidade Federal Do Parań, Foz do Igua̧u, Brazil
Fundación Moisés Bertoni, Asunción, Paraguay
Laboratorio de Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Atlantic Forest; distribution; flagship species; habitat loss; jaguar; large carnivore; participatory monitoring; puma; carnivore; endangered species; feces; felid; geographical distribution; habitat loss; indigenous population; monitoring; predator; protected area; research work; Argentina; Atlantic Forest; Brazil; Paraguay; Parana; Felidae; Panthera; Panthera onca; Puma concolor
Página de inicio:534
Página de fin:545
Título revista:ORYX
Título revista abreviado:ORYX


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---------- APA ----------
De Angelo, C., Paviolo, A., Rode, D., Cullen, L., Sana, D., Abreu, K.C., Xavier Da Silva, M.,..., Di Bitetti, M.S. (2011) . Participatory networks for large-scale monitoring of large carnivores: Pumas and jaguars of the Upper Paraná atlantic forest. ORYX, 45(4), 534-545.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
De Angelo, C., Paviolo, A., Rode, D., Cullen, L., Sana, D., Abreu, K.C., et al. "Participatory networks for large-scale monitoring of large carnivores: Pumas and jaguars of the Upper Paraná atlantic forest" . ORYX 45, no. 4 (2011) : 534-545.
---------- MLA ----------
De Angelo, C., Paviolo, A., Rode, D., Cullen, L., Sana, D., Abreu, K.C., et al. "Participatory networks for large-scale monitoring of large carnivores: Pumas and jaguars of the Upper Paraná atlantic forest" . ORYX, vol. 45, no. 4, 2011, pp. 534-545.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
De Angelo, C., Paviolo, A., Rode, D., Cullen, L., Sana, D., Abreu, K.C., et al. Participatory networks for large-scale monitoring of large carnivores: Pumas and jaguars of the Upper Paraná atlantic forest. ORYX. 2011;45(4):534-545.