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This paper reviews basic concepts of modern molecular biology with the premise that its influence in today's medicine is so important that its knowledge cannot remain limited to a few experts. I first analyze the overall structure and organization of human genes, their split nature and the flow of genetic information from DNA to protein. The role of transcriptional control in the regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation is described by introducing experimental examples that define the importance of "master" genes. Basic concepts of genetic engineering, the generation of transgenic and knock out animals and the uses of molecular biology in clinical diagnosis, paternity tests and forensic medicine are presented. Finally, I discuss the possibilities of gene therapy and the fantasies and realities of transgenesis and cloning by nuclear transplant in humans.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century
Autor:Kornblihtt, A.R.
Filiación:Depto. de Ciencias Biológicas, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón II, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Clonation; Knock out mice; Medicine; Molecular biology; Transgenic mice; animal; article; cloning; gene; gene expression regulation; gene therapy; genetic engineering; human; medicine; molecular biology; mouse; physiology; transgenic animal; transgenic mouse; Animals; Animals, Genetically Modified; Cloning, Organism; Gene Expression Regulation; Gene Therapy; Genes; Genetic Engineering; Humans; Medicine; Mice; Mice, Transgenic; Molecular Biology
Página de inicio:9
Página de fin:16
Título revista:Medicina
Título revista abreviado:Medicina (Argentina)


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  • Cox, T.M., Sinclair, J., (1998) Biología Molecular en Medicina, , Buenos Aries: Editorial Médica Panamericana
  • Lewin, B., Genes, V.I., Philadelphia: John Wiley & Sons 1998; Satz, M.L., Kornblihtt, A.R., La reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) y sus aplicaciones (1993) Ciencia Hoy, 4, pp. 53-59


---------- APA ----------
(2000) . Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century . Medicina, 60(1), 9-16.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Kornblihtt, A.R. "Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century " . Medicina 60, no. 1 (2000) : 9-16.
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---------- MLA ----------
Kornblihtt, A.R. "Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century " . Medicina, vol. 60, no. 1, 2000, pp. 9-16.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Kornblihtt, A.R. Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century . Medicina (Argentina). 2000;60(1):9-16.
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