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The non-differentially stained karyotypes of four chromosomally unknown species of Ctenomys, C. bergi, C. fodax, C. knightii, C. pundti, and a probably new species from Patagonia, are described. Amendments are also made of the previously recorded karyotypes of C. latro and C. occultus. The karyotypes of C. opimus luteolus, C. tucumanus, and C. sociabilis are confirmed through new material or new localities. Karyotypic variants of C. rionegrensis and C. talarum are also reported. The C-banded karyotypes of 20 species and 26 populations are described and illustrated. Heterochromatin in Ctenomys is highly variable and includes six different types : absent, centric, pericentro-meric blocks, full arm blocks, interstitial, and telomeric, the two latter being the less frequent. Most species of tuco-tucos can be sorted into four different heterochromatin patterns. The evolutionary meaning of heterochromatin patterns is discussed in the context of new ideas on the role of highly repetitive DNA in chromosomal evolution. © 1992, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:New karyotypes and C-banding patterns of the subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Octodontidae) from Argentina
Autor:Reig, O.A.; Massarini, A.I.; Ortells, M.O.; Barros, M.A.; Dyzenchauz, F.J.; Tiranti, S.I.
Filiación:GIBE, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón 2, Ciudad Universitaria Nuhez, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad de La Pampa, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
Página de inicio:603
Página de fin:624
Título revista:Mammalia
Título revista abreviado:Mammalia


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---------- APA ----------
Reig, O.A., Massarini, A.I., Ortells, M.O., Barros, M.A., Dyzenchauz, F.J. & Tiranti, S.I. (1992) . New karyotypes and C-banding patterns of the subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Octodontidae) from Argentina. Mammalia, 56(4), 603-624.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Reig, O.A., Massarini, A.I., Ortells, M.O., Barros, M.A., Dyzenchauz, F.J., Tiranti, S.I. "New karyotypes and C-banding patterns of the subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Octodontidae) from Argentina" . Mammalia 56, no. 4 (1992) : 603-624.
---------- MLA ----------
Reig, O.A., Massarini, A.I., Ortells, M.O., Barros, M.A., Dyzenchauz, F.J., Tiranti, S.I. "New karyotypes and C-banding patterns of the subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Octodontidae) from Argentina" . Mammalia, vol. 56, no. 4, 1992, pp. 603-624.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Reig, O.A., Massarini, A.I., Ortells, M.O., Barros, M.A., Dyzenchauz, F.J., Tiranti, S.I. New karyotypes and C-banding patterns of the subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Octodontidae) from Argentina. Mammalia. 1992;56(4):603-624.