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We studied the influence of maternal deprivation on the RNA biosynthesis in the brain cortex of 10 day-old rats. Mother-deprived pups, placed at 25°C showed a reduction in body temperature of 6 +/- 1°C. After mother retrieval, RNA biosynthesis decreased 27% and 34% in total brain cortex and in isolated neurons, respectively. This fall is proportional to the body temperature reduction and can be avoided placing the pups at 37°C immediately after the separation. Rethermostatization of offsprings, after one hour at 25°C, showed an overshoot of RNA biosynthesis (145%) with further stabilization of synthesis rates to normal levels after 100 min. This classical physiological mechanism was further studied in vitro. Comparing in vive and in vitro experiments, it is concluded that overshooting can not be observed in vitro if temperature reduction was not previously performed in vivo. Thus, this phenomenon seems to respond to humoral factors in order to be triggered. Afterwards, in vitro overshooting following cold stress in vivo, demonstrates that the depressed tissue by itself has the capability to turn back to normal RNA levels in the same way as observed in vivo.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Cold stress related alteration of RNA biosynthesis in brain cortex of mother-deprived newborn rats
Autor:Ibarra, G.R.; Paratcha, G.Ch.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Napp, M.I.; Azcurra, J.M.
Filiación:Lab. de Biología Celular, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Ciudad Universitaria, (1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina
PRUNA, Av. Galván 4102, (1431) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:brain cortex; brain development; cold stress; maternal deprivation; RNA biosynthesis; nucleoside diphosphate kinase; rna; animal cell; animal experiment; animal tissue; article; body temperature; brain cortex; brain development; cold stress; controlled study; enzyme activity; maternal deprivation; newborn; nonhuman; perikaryon; rat; rna synthesis; Animals; Animals, Newborn; Body Temperature Regulation; Cerebral Cortex; Cold; Kinetics; Maternal Deprivation; Rats; Rats, Wistar; RNA; Stress
Página de inicio:2165
Página de fin:2171
Título revista:Life Sciences
Título revista abreviado:LIFE SCI.
CAS:RNA, 63231-63-0


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---------- APA ----------
Ibarra, G.R., Paratcha, G.Ch., Rodriguez, J.A., Napp, M.I. & Azcurra, J.M. (1997) . Cold stress related alteration of RNA biosynthesis in brain cortex of mother-deprived newborn rats. Life Sciences, 60(24), 2165-2171.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ibarra, G.R., Paratcha, G.Ch., Rodriguez, J.A., Napp, M.I., Azcurra, J.M. "Cold stress related alteration of RNA biosynthesis in brain cortex of mother-deprived newborn rats" . Life Sciences 60, no. 24 (1997) : 2165-2171.
---------- MLA ----------
Ibarra, G.R., Paratcha, G.Ch., Rodriguez, J.A., Napp, M.I., Azcurra, J.M. "Cold stress related alteration of RNA biosynthesis in brain cortex of mother-deprived newborn rats" . Life Sciences, vol. 60, no. 24, 1997, pp. 2165-2171.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ibarra, G.R., Paratcha, G.Ch., Rodriguez, J.A., Napp, M.I., Azcurra, J.M. Cold stress related alteration of RNA biosynthesis in brain cortex of mother-deprived newborn rats. LIFE SCI. 1997;60(24):2165-2171.