
Mazón, J.M.; Rossi, J.D.; De León, S.S. "Functions of least gradient and 1-harmonic functions" (2014) Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 63(4):1067-1084
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In this paper, we find the Euler-Lagrange equation corresponding to functions of least gradient. It turns out that this equation can be identified with the 1-Laplacian. Moreover, given a Lipschitz domain Ω, we prove that there exists a function of least gradient in Ω that extends every datum belonging to L1 (∂ Ω). We show, as well, the non-uniqueness of solutions in the case of discontinuous boundary values. Indiana University Mathematics Journal ©


Documento: Artículo
Título:Functions of least gradient and 1-harmonic functions
Autor:Mazón, J.M.; Rossi, J.D.; De León, S.S.
Filiación:Departament d'Anàlisi Matemàtica, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Universidad de Alicante, Ap. correos 99, Alicante, 03080, Spain
Departamento de Matemática, FCEyN UBA, CiudadUniversitaria, Pab 1, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave:1-Laplacian; Functions of least gradient
Página de inicio:1067
Página de fin:1084
Título revista:Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Título revista abreviado:Indiana Univ. Math. J.


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---------- APA ----------
Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D. & De León, S.S. (2014) . Functions of least gradient and 1-harmonic functions. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 63(4), 1067-1084.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D., De León, S.S. "Functions of least gradient and 1-harmonic functions" . Indiana University Mathematics Journal 63, no. 4 (2014) : 1067-1084.
---------- MLA ----------
Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D., De León, S.S. "Functions of least gradient and 1-harmonic functions" . Indiana University Mathematics Journal, vol. 63, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1067-1084.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D., De León, S.S. Functions of least gradient and 1-harmonic functions. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 2014;63(4):1067-1084.