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It will be proven that if a gauge-invariant Lagrangian density having the local form L = L(gij;Ai;Aij) is such that its Euler-Lagrange equations Ei(L) = 0 have the same set of solutions as Ei(L0) = 0, where L0 = g1/2F ijFij, then L and cL0 are equivalent for same constant c, i.e., Ei(L) = Ei(cL0). From a previous result it follows that L = cL0 + D + eg1/2, where D is a divergence and e is a constant. © 1991 American Institute of Physics.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Equivalence and s-equivalence of vector-tensor Lagrangians
Autor:López, M.C.; Noriega, R.J.; Schifini, C.G.
Filiación:Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:2063
Página de fin:2064
Título revista:Journal of Mathematical Physics


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---------- APA ----------
López, M.C., Noriega, R.J. & Schifini, C.G. (1991) . Equivalence and s-equivalence of vector-tensor Lagrangians. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 32(8), 2063-2064.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
López, M.C., Noriega, R.J., Schifini, C.G. "Equivalence and s-equivalence of vector-tensor Lagrangians" . Journal of Mathematical Physics 32, no. 8 (1991) : 2063-2064.
---------- MLA ----------
López, M.C., Noriega, R.J., Schifini, C.G. "Equivalence and s-equivalence of vector-tensor Lagrangians" . Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 32, no. 8, 1991, pp. 2063-2064.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
López, M.C., Noriega, R.J., Schifini, C.G. Equivalence and s-equivalence of vector-tensor Lagrangians. 1991;32(8):2063-2064.