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In this work we present a Lyapunov inequality for linear and quasilinear elliptic differential operators in N-dimensional domains Ω. We also consider singular and degenerate elliptic problems with Ap coefficients involving the p-Laplace operator with zero Dirichlet boundary condition.As an application of the inequalities obtained, we derive lower bounds for the first eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian, and compare them with the usual ones in the literature. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Lyapunov-type inequalities for partial differential equations
Autor:de Nápoli, P.L.; Pinasco, J.P.
Filiación:Departamento de Matemática, IMAS - CONICET, FCEyN UBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Cantilo s/n, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave:Eigenvalues bounds; Lyapunov inequality; P-Laplace operator; Sobolev spaces
Página de inicio:1995
Página de fin:2018
Título revista:Journal of Functional Analysis
Título revista abreviado:J. Funct. Anal.


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---------- APA ----------
de Nápoli, P.L. & Pinasco, J.P. (2016) . Lyapunov-type inequalities for partial differential equations. Journal of Functional Analysis, 270(6), 1995-2018.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
de Nápoli, P.L., Pinasco, J.P. "Lyapunov-type inequalities for partial differential equations" . Journal of Functional Analysis 270, no. 6 (2016) : 1995-2018.
---------- MLA ----------
de Nápoli, P.L., Pinasco, J.P. "Lyapunov-type inequalities for partial differential equations" . Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 270, no. 6, 2016, pp. 1995-2018.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
de Nápoli, P.L., Pinasco, J.P. Lyapunov-type inequalities for partial differential equations. J. Funct. Anal. 2016;270(6):1995-2018.