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This paper is concerned with a Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem in which in the transport cost we replace the Euclidean distance with a discrete distance. We fix the length of a step and the distance that measures the cost of the transport depends of the number of steps that is needed to transport the involved mass from its origin to its destination. For this problem we construct special Kantorovich potentials, and optimal transport plans via a nonlocal version of the PDE formulation given by Evans and Gangbo for the classical case with the Euclidean distance. We also study how these problems, when rescaling the step distance, approximate the classical problem. In particular we obtain, taking limits in the rescaled nonlocal formulation, the PDE formulation given by Evans-Gangbo for the classical problem. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


Documento: Artículo
Título:A Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem for a discrete distance
Autor:Igbida, N.; Mazón, J.M.; Rossi, J.D.; Toledo, J.
Filiación:Institut de recherche XLIM, UMR-CNRS 6172, Faculté des sciences et techniques, Université de Limoges, France
Departament d'Anàlisi Matemàtica, Universitat de València, València, Spain
Departamento de Matemática, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Mass transport; Monge-Kantorovich problems; Nonlocal problems
Página de inicio:3494
Página de fin:3534
Título revista:Journal of Functional Analysis
Título revista abreviado:J. Funct. Anal.


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---------- APA ----------
Igbida, N., Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D. & Toledo, J. (2011) . A Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem for a discrete distance. Journal of Functional Analysis, 260(12), 3494-3534.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Igbida, N., Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D., Toledo, J. "A Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem for a discrete distance" . Journal of Functional Analysis 260, no. 12 (2011) : 3494-3534.
---------- MLA ----------
Igbida, N., Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D., Toledo, J. "A Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem for a discrete distance" . Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 260, no. 12, 2011, pp. 3494-3534.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Igbida, N., Mazón, J.M., Rossi, J.D., Toledo, J. A Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem for a discrete distance. J. Funct. Anal. 2011;260(12):3494-3534.