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The empirical model q = Q · t/B + t, where q is the amount of water taken up at time t was useful to describe water uptake of several food powders determined either by the Baumann or the sorption isotherm method at 75.6 and 100% RH. The equilibrium values (Q) and the specific rate constant (K) derived from this model as (QB)-1 could be used to characterize food materials for hydration capacity and rate. Large differences were observed in Q values between methods and between food powders. The Baumann Q values and sorption isotherm Q values at 100% RH ranked similarly water takeup of food powders (R = 0.97, p < 0.001). Baumann K values and sorption isotherm K values at 100% RH also correlated highly. However, little differences were observed among the K and Q values of different food powders determined by the sorption isotherm method at 75.6% RH.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Empirical model for water uptake and hydration rate of food powders by sorption and Baumann methods
Autor:Elizalde, B.E.; Pilosof, A.M.R.; Bartholomai, G.B.
Filiación:Depto. de Industrias, Fac. de Ciencias Exactes y Naturales, (1428) Capital Federal, Argentina
Consejo Nac. Invest. Cie. y Tec. R.
Palabras clave:Gelatin; Hydration rate; Sorption isotherm; Starch; Wheat
Página de inicio:407
Página de fin:409
Título revista:Journal of Food Science
Título revista abreviado:J. Food. Sci.


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---------- APA ----------
Elizalde, B.E., Pilosof, A.M.R. & Bartholomai, G.B. (1996) . Empirical model for water uptake and hydration rate of food powders by sorption and Baumann methods. Journal of Food Science, 61(2), 407-409.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Elizalde, B.E., Pilosof, A.M.R., Bartholomai, G.B. "Empirical model for water uptake and hydration rate of food powders by sorption and Baumann methods" . Journal of Food Science 61, no. 2 (1996) : 407-409.
---------- MLA ----------
Elizalde, B.E., Pilosof, A.M.R., Bartholomai, G.B. "Empirical model for water uptake and hydration rate of food powders by sorption and Baumann methods" . Journal of Food Science, vol. 61, no. 2, 1996, pp. 407-409.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Elizalde, B.E., Pilosof, A.M.R., Bartholomai, G.B. Empirical model for water uptake and hydration rate of food powders by sorption and Baumann methods. J. Food. Sci. 1996;61(2):407-409.