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Bone-marrow karyotypes of 68 specimens of the subterranean octodontid rodent genus Ctenomys from 16 different populations of north east Argentina and one from Paraguay have been studied. A surprising variety of chromosome numbers was found, ranging from 2n=42 to 2n=70. Some of the karyomorphs are clearly assigned to named species by topotypy: C. conoveris 2n=50, FN=56; C. argentinus, 2n=44, FN=54; C. perrensi, 2n=50, FN=84; C. dorbignyi, 2n=70, FN=84; C. roigi, 2n=48, FN=80; C. yolandae, 2n=50, FN=78. Four populations of Corrientes Province similar in morphology to C. perrensi were found to be polymorphic and polytypic; they maintain the same FN=84, but diploid numbers increase from 2n=54 to 2n=58 from SW to the NE, thus suggesting Robertsonian rearrangements. In the middle of this cline, a stable karyomorph of 2n=62, FN=84 was found in two different populations, suggesting to belong to an undescribed species. Another karyomorph of 2n=42, FN=76 found in Curuzú Laurel, Corrientes, may also prove to represent another undescribed species. One karyomorph of 2n=52, FN=74, and another of 2n=56, FN=78 from Paraná and Ubajaý (Entre Ríos Province, Argentina) respectively are close to C. rionegrensis. The relationships among these karyomorphs is considered in light of data on sperm morphology. The hypothesis is advanced that karyotypic rearrangements among the FN=84 group may be the result of Robertsonian repatterning from a 2n=70 original widespread form. Fixation of chromosomal variants is correlated with patchy distribution and small size of unstable demes, and may or may not have resulted in reproductive isolation. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Documento: Artículo
Título:New Ctenomys karyotypes (Rodentia, Octodontidae) from north-eastern Argentina and from Paraguay confirm the extreme chromosomal multiformity of the genus
Autor:Ortells, M.O.; Contreras, J.R.; Reig, O.A.
Filiación:GIBE, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón 2, 4 Piso, Ciudad Universitaria, Nuñez, 1428, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro Argentino de Primates (CAPRIM-CONICET), Casilla de Correo 149, Corrientes, 3400, Argentina
Página de inicio:189
Página de fin:201
Título revista:Genetica
Título revista abreviado:Genetica


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---------- APA ----------
Ortells, M.O., Contreras, J.R. & Reig, O.A. (1990) . New Ctenomys karyotypes (Rodentia, Octodontidae) from north-eastern Argentina and from Paraguay confirm the extreme chromosomal multiformity of the genus. Genetica, 82(3), 189-201.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ortells, M.O., Contreras, J.R., Reig, O.A. "New Ctenomys karyotypes (Rodentia, Octodontidae) from north-eastern Argentina and from Paraguay confirm the extreme chromosomal multiformity of the genus" . Genetica 82, no. 3 (1990) : 189-201.
---------- MLA ----------
Ortells, M.O., Contreras, J.R., Reig, O.A. "New Ctenomys karyotypes (Rodentia, Octodontidae) from north-eastern Argentina and from Paraguay confirm the extreme chromosomal multiformity of the genus" . Genetica, vol. 82, no. 3, 1990, pp. 189-201.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ortells, M.O., Contreras, J.R., Reig, O.A. New Ctenomys karyotypes (Rodentia, Octodontidae) from north-eastern Argentina and from Paraguay confirm the extreme chromosomal multiformity of the genus. Genetica. 1990;82(3):189-201.