The objective of the study was to compare courtship behavior of various wild and mass reared medfly strains, in order to document the degree of diversity in courtship behavior among medfiy populations and to assess its implications for strategy of application of the Sterile Insect Technique. Recordings of medfly courtship behavior were collected from several locations world-wide using a standard protocol. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the collected behavioral materials was conducted. No major differences were found among the strains both in male and female behavioral repertoire, which indicates general lack of behavioral incompatibility among the strains studied. However, the analysis revealed several qualitative and quantitative differences in courtship details among locations. The females from Madeira strain were more "choosy" then those from other strains, rejecting male courtship most frequently in spite of the fact that the males from this strain displayed their courtship activities in the most expressed manner. It has been suggested, therefore, that development of an efficient strain for world-wide application shall be based on the most competitive strains (such as Madeira strain), and only individuals with the most pronounced pattern of male courtship should be selected as founders.
Documento: |
Título: | Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae): Comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operations |
Autor: | Lux, S.A.; Munyiri, F.N.; Vilardi, J.C.; Liedo, P.; Economopoulos, A.; Hasson, O.; Quilici, S.; Gaggl, K.; Cayol, J.P.; Rendon, P. |
Filiación: | Intl. Ctr. of Insect Physiol./Ecol., P.O. Box 30 772, Duduville, Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya Warsaw Agricultural University, Warsaw, Nowoursynowska 166, Poland Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Buenos Aires, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Apdo. Postal 36, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico University of Crete, P.O. Box 2208, 71409 Heraklion, Crete, Greece P.O. Box 11598, Ramat-Gan 52015, Israel CIRAD FLHOR, Station de Bassin Martin, P.O. Box 180, F-97455 St. Pierre Cedex, Reunion, France IAEA Laboratories, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria West Asia Section, Technical Cooperation Division, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria Guatemala Medfly Station, USDA/APHIS/PPQ, U.S. Embassy Unit 3319 - APO AA, 34030-3319 Guatemala City, Guatemala
Palabras clave: | Ceratitis capitata; Courtship; Mating behavior; Medfly; Mediterranean fruit fly; Strain comparisons; biological control; courtship; mating behavior; rearing; selective breeding; sterile release method; Capitata; Ceratitis; Ceratitis capitata; Diptera; Drosophila melanogaster; Insecta; Tephritidae |
Año: | 2003
Volumen: | 85
Número: | 1
Página de inicio: | 113
Página de fin: | 125
Título revista: | Florida Entomologist
Título revista abreviado: | Fla. Entomol.
ISSN: | 00154040
Registro: | https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_00154040_v85_n1_p113_Lux |
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---------- APA ----------
Lux, S.A., Munyiri, F.N., Vilardi, J.C., Liedo, P., Economopoulos, A., Hasson, O., Quilici, S.,..., Rendon, P.
. Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae): Comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operations. Florida Entomologist, 85(1), 113-125.
Recuperado de https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_00154040_v85_n1_p113_Lux [ ]
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Lux, S.A., Munyiri, F.N., Vilardi, J.C., Liedo, P., Economopoulos, A., Hasson, O., et al.
"Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae): Comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operations"
. Florida Entomologist 85, no. 1
(2003) : 113-125.
Recuperado de https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_00154040_v85_n1_p113_Lux [ ]
---------- MLA ----------
Lux, S.A., Munyiri, F.N., Vilardi, J.C., Liedo, P., Economopoulos, A., Hasson, O., et al.
"Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae): Comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operations"
. Florida Entomologist, vol. 85, no. 1, 2003, pp. 113-125.
Recuperado de https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_00154040_v85_n1_p113_Lux [ ]
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Lux, S.A., Munyiri, F.N., Vilardi, J.C., Liedo, P., Economopoulos, A., Hasson, O., et al. Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae): Comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operations. Fla. Entomol. 2003;85(1):113-125.
Available from: https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_00154040_v85_n1_p113_Lux [ ]