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Incorporation of 32P into adrenal mitochondrial phospholipids (PL) increased in ACTH-treated rats, but it decreased in diabetics, inspite of the fact that these animals showed adrenal overactivity. Since diabetics did not show increased 11 β-hydroxylation, as opposed to ACTH-treated rats, it is suggested that the stimulation of this enzyme activity by exogenous ACTH is related to an increased turnover of PL at the mitochondrial membrane. This process is impaired in diabetics and prevents the stimulation of 11 β-hydroxylation. © 1977 Birkhäuser Verlag.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Effects of ACTH and diabetes on phospholipid metabolism in adrenal mitochondria
Autor:De Nicola, A.F.; Fridman, O.; Foglia, V.G.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Esteroides, Instituto di Biología y Medicina Experimental, Obligado 2490, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave:corticotropin; phospholipid; phosphorus 32; streptozocin; tetracosactide; adrenal gland; diabetes mellitus; gland; hydroxylation; in vitro study; membrane; mitochondrial membrane; mitochondrion; phosphate p 32; rat; Adrenal Cortex; Adrenal Glands; Animal; Corticotropin; Desoxycorticosterone; Diabetes Mellitus; Female; Mitochondria; Organ Weight; Phospholipids; Rats
Página de inicio:974
Página de fin:975
Título revista:Experientia
Título revista abreviado:Experientia
CAS:corticotropin, 11136-52-0, 9002-60-2, 9061-27-2; phosphorus 32, 14596-37-3; streptozocin, 18883-66-4; tetracosactide, 16960-16-0; Corticotropin, 9002-60-2; Desoxycorticosterone, 64-85-7; Phospholipids


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---------- APA ----------
De Nicola, A.F., Fridman, O. & Foglia, V.G. (1977) . Effects of ACTH and diabetes on phospholipid metabolism in adrenal mitochondria. Experientia, 33(7), 974-975.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
De Nicola, A.F., Fridman, O., Foglia, V.G. "Effects of ACTH and diabetes on phospholipid metabolism in adrenal mitochondria" . Experientia 33, no. 7 (1977) : 974-975.
---------- MLA ----------
De Nicola, A.F., Fridman, O., Foglia, V.G. "Effects of ACTH and diabetes on phospholipid metabolism in adrenal mitochondria" . Experientia, vol. 33, no. 7, 1977, pp. 974-975.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
De Nicola, A.F., Fridman, O., Foglia, V.G. Effects of ACTH and diabetes on phospholipid metabolism in adrenal mitochondria. Experientia. 1977;33(7):974-975.