
Sterin-Borda, L.; Cossio, P.M.; Gimeno, M.F.; Gimeno, A.L.; Diez, C.; Laguens, R.P.; Meckert, P.C.; Arana, R.M. "Effect of chagasic sera on the rat isolated atrial preparation: Immunological, morphological and functional aspects" (1976) Cardiovascular Research. 10(6):613-622
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AUTHORS' SYNOPSIS: An antibody reacting with the plasma membrane of working myocardial cells, skeletal muscle fibres, and endothelial cells (EVI antibody) has been described in the sera of patients with Chagas' disease. In the present study of rat isolated atrial preparations beating in different media, direct immunofluorescence and ultrastructural immunohistochemical procedures indicate that the antibody can interact with the living tissue, becoming fixed to the plasma membranes. Transmission electronmicroscopy studies also showed the presence of sarcolemmal alterations. These observations suggest a possible pathogenic effect of the EVI antibody.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Effect of chagasic sera on the rat isolated atrial preparation: Immunological, morphological and functional aspects
Autor:Sterin-Borda, L.; Cossio, P.M.; Gimeno, M.F.; Gimeno, A.L.; Diez, C.; Laguens, R.P.; Meckert, P.C.; Arana, R.M.
Filiación:Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y de Principios Naturales, Instituto de Neurobiología, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratory of Rheumatology and Immunology, Cardiology Unit, CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cátedra de Patología II, Facultad de Medicina de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
Página de inicio:613
Página de fin:622
Título revista:Cardiovascular Research
Título revista abreviado:Cardiovasc. Res.


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---------- APA ----------
Sterin-Borda, L., Cossio, P.M., Gimeno, M.F., Gimeno, A.L., Diez, C., Laguens, R.P., Meckert, P.C.,..., Arana, R.M. (1976) . Effect of chagasic sera on the rat isolated atrial preparation: Immunological, morphological and functional aspects. Cardiovascular Research, 10(6), 613-622.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Sterin-Borda, L., Cossio, P.M., Gimeno, M.F., Gimeno, A.L., Diez, C., Laguens, R.P., et al. "Effect of chagasic sera on the rat isolated atrial preparation: Immunological, morphological and functional aspects" . Cardiovascular Research 10, no. 6 (1976) : 613-622.
---------- MLA ----------
Sterin-Borda, L., Cossio, P.M., Gimeno, M.F., Gimeno, A.L., Diez, C., Laguens, R.P., et al. "Effect of chagasic sera on the rat isolated atrial preparation: Immunological, morphological and functional aspects" . Cardiovascular Research, vol. 10, no. 6, 1976, pp. 613-622.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Sterin-Borda, L., Cossio, P.M., Gimeno, M.F., Gimeno, A.L., Diez, C., Laguens, R.P., et al. Effect of chagasic sera on the rat isolated atrial preparation: Immunological, morphological and functional aspects. Cardiovasc. Res. 1976;10(6):613-622.