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The infrageneric classification of Hybanthus subgen. Ionidium (Violaceae) is unclear and needs to be redefined. In the present study, it is proposed to be separated into five clearly distinct sections, based on the leaf micromorphology, according to the presence or absence of different trichomes and papillae. Scanning electron microscopy provided evidence supporting changes in the systematics of Hybanthus subgen. Ionidium. Five well-defined leaf micromorphological types were identified for the South American species studied. Additionally, three new sections are established in this study: Hybanthus sect. Ionidium, Hybanthus sect. Parviflorae and Hybanthus sect. Pombaliae. Hybanthus atropurpureus is designated as the lectotype of Hybanthus sect. Micranthae. © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Foliar micromorphology in the classification of South American Hybanthus species (Violaceae)
Autor:Seo, M.N.; Sanso, A.M.; Xifreda, C.C.
Filiación:CONICET. LACyE, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Intendente Güiraldes 2620 (C1428), Cdad. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET- IFEVA, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Av. San Martin 4453 (C1417), Cdad. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dpto de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Tandil, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
CIC-PBA, LEBA, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata- Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Hybanthus; Hybanthus atropurpureus; Ionidium; Violaceae
Página de inicio:247
Página de fin:255
Título revista:Annales Botanici Fennici
Título revista abreviado:Ann. Bot. Fenn.


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---------- APA ----------
Seo, M.N., Sanso, A.M. & Xifreda, C.C. (2011) . Foliar micromorphology in the classification of South American Hybanthus species (Violaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici, 48(3), 247-255.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Seo, M.N., Sanso, A.M., Xifreda, C.C. "Foliar micromorphology in the classification of South American Hybanthus species (Violaceae)" . Annales Botanici Fennici 48, no. 3 (2011) : 247-255.
---------- MLA ----------
Seo, M.N., Sanso, A.M., Xifreda, C.C. "Foliar micromorphology in the classification of South American Hybanthus species (Violaceae)" . Annales Botanici Fennici, vol. 48, no. 3, 2011, pp. 247-255.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Seo, M.N., Sanso, A.M., Xifreda, C.C. Foliar micromorphology in the classification of South American Hybanthus species (Violaceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 2011;48(3):247-255.