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Eleven new records of marine gastropods from several localities in west-central Argentina are hereby presented, including the following new species: Proconulus kotrus, Calliotropis (Riselloidea) ligosta, Lyosoma truquicoensis, Exelissa crassicostata, Cirsocerithium agriorivensis, Cataldia? binodosa, Vanikoropsis? leviplicata and Tornatellaea neuquina. These records were recovered from two Early Cretaceous units of the Neuquén Basin, the Mulichinco (Valanginian) and the Agrio (upper Valanginian-upper Hauterivian/lowermost Barremian) formations. The families Proconulidae, Calliotropidae, Neritidae, Cryptaulacidae,?Pseudomelaniidae, Vanikoridae, Epitoniidae and Acteonidae are represented whilst one record is yet to be assigned at the family level.


Documento: Artículo
Título:New Records of Marine Gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of West-Central Argentina
Autor:Cataldo, C.S.
Filiación:Instituto de Estudios Andinos Don Pablo Groeber, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Intendente Güiraldes 2160, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina
Palabras clave:Argentina; Gastropoda; Hauterivian; Neuquén Basin; Valanginian; Calliotropis; Gastropoda
Página de inicio:405
Página de fin:440
Título revista:Ameghiniana
Título revista abreviado:Ameghiniana


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---------- APA ----------
(2017) . New Records of Marine Gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of West-Central Argentina. Ameghiniana, 54(4), 405-440.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Cataldo, C.S. "New Records of Marine Gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of West-Central Argentina" . Ameghiniana 54, no. 4 (2017) : 405-440.
---------- MLA ----------
Cataldo, C.S. "New Records of Marine Gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of West-Central Argentina" . Ameghiniana, vol. 54, no. 4, 2017, pp. 405-440.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Cataldo, C.S. New Records of Marine Gastropods from the Lower Cretaceous of West-Central Argentina. Ameghiniana. 2017;54(4):405-440.