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Pterosaur remains from the Río Belgrano Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, were found close to the Estancia Río Roble, along with several ammonoids that indicate a Barremian age for those strata. The specimens (MACN-SC 3617) consist of one ulna and one element tentatively identified as a portion of a wing metacarpal. The ulna shows morphological affinities with the Pteranodontoidea (sensu Kellner 1996), particularly with the members of the Anhangueridae by having a well developed ventral crest close to the proximal articulation, and is tentatively referred to this pterosaur clade. The oldest record of the Anhangueridae, previously limited to the Aptian/Albian, is therefore extended to the Barremian. The Argentinean material is preserved in three dimensions, an unusual condition for pterosaur fossils from that country, indicating that the site situated near the Estancia Río Roble has a great potential for new and well preserved specimens.


Documento: Artículo
Título:On the Pterosaur Remains from the Ŕio Belgrano Formation (Barremian), Patagonian Andes of Argentina
Autor:Kellner, A.W.A.; Aguirre-Urreta, M.B.; Ramos, V.A.
Filiación:Setor de Paleovertebrados, Departamento de Geologia, UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, s/n, S. Cristovao 20940-040, RJ, Brazil
Lab. de Tectónica Andina, Departamento de Geología, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellon II, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Argentina; Lower Cretaceous; Pterosauria; Río Belgrano Formation; Albia; Ammonoidea; Pteranodontoidea; Pterosauria
Página de inicio:487
Página de fin:495
Título revista:Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
Título revista abreviado:Anais Acad. Bras. Cienc.


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---------- APA ----------
Kellner, A.W.A., Aguirre-Urreta, M.B. & Ramos, V.A. (2003) . On the Pterosaur Remains from the Ŕio Belgrano Formation (Barremian), Patagonian Andes of Argentina. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 75(4), 487-495.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Kellner, A.W.A., Aguirre-Urreta, M.B., Ramos, V.A. "On the Pterosaur Remains from the Ŕio Belgrano Formation (Barremian), Patagonian Andes of Argentina" . Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 75, no. 4 (2003) : 487-495.
---------- MLA ----------
Kellner, A.W.A., Aguirre-Urreta, M.B., Ramos, V.A. "On the Pterosaur Remains from the Ŕio Belgrano Formation (Barremian), Patagonian Andes of Argentina" . Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, vol. 75, no. 4, 2003, pp. 487-495.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Kellner, A.W.A., Aguirre-Urreta, M.B., Ramos, V.A. On the Pterosaur Remains from the Ŕio Belgrano Formation (Barremian), Patagonian Andes of Argentina. Anais Acad. Bras. Cienc. 2003;75(4):487-495.