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Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
"Toward (car)borane-based molecular magnets" (2015) Oliva, J.M.;Alcoba, D.R.;Oña, O.B. (...)Michl, J. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 134(2)
"On the non-integer number of particles in molecular system domains: treatment and description" (2015) Bochicchio, R.C. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 134(11)
"Chemical bonding analysis in boron clusters by means of localized orbitals according to the electron localization function topology" (2015) Oña, O.B.;Torres-Vega, J.J.;Torre, A. (...)Tiznado, W. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 134(3)
"A study of the compactness of wave functions based on Shannon entropy indices: a seniority number approach" (2015) Lain, L.;Torre, A.;Alcoba, D.R. (...)Massaccesi, G.E. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 134(7)