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Optics Communications
"Resonances on metallic compound transmission gratings with subwavelength wires and slits" (2006) Skigin, D.C.; Depine, R.A. Optics Communications. 262(2):270-275
"Optical simulation of the quantum Hadamard operator" (2006) Francisco, D.; Iemmi, C.; Paz, J.P.; Ledesma, S. Optics Communications. 268(2):340-345
"High depth of focus by combining annular lenses" (2006) Ledesma, S.;Escalera, J.C.;Campos, J. (...)Yzuel, M.J. Optics Communications. 266(1):6-12
"Application of the differential method to uniaxial gratings with an infinite number of refraction channels: Scalar case" (2006) Depine, R.A.; Inchaussandague, M.E.; Lakhtakia, A. Optics Communications. 258(2):90-96