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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
"Three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the large-scale structure of W50-SS433" (2008) Zavala, J.; Velázquez, P.F.; Cerqueira, A.H.; Dubner, G.M. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 387(2):839-844
"Seven young star clusters in the inner region of the Small Magellanic Cloud" (2008) Piatti, A.E.;Geisler, D.;Sarajedini, A. (...)Wischnjewsky, M. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 389(1):429-440
"Searching for evidence of interaction between the of star HD 229196 and the interstellar medium" (2008) Pineault, S.;Arnal, E.M.;Cappa, C. (...)St-Louis, N. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 386(3):1739-1749
"Effects of supernova feedback on the formation of galaxy discs" (2008) Scannapieco, C.; Tissera, P.B.; White, S.D.M.; Springel, V. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 389(3):1137-1149