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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
"Washington photometry of open cluster giants: Two moderately metal-poor anticentre clusters" (2005) Parisi, M.C.; Clariá, J.J.; Piatti, A.E.; Geisler, D. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 363(4):1247-1256
"Tracing the formation history of intermediate-age star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud" (2005) Piatti, A.E.;Sarajedini, A.;Geisler, D. (...)Clark, D. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 358(4):1215-1230
"On the source of dense outflows from T Tauri stars - II. Warm disc winds" (2005) De Gómez Castro, A.I.; Ferro-Fontán, C. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 362(2):569-580
"Feedback and metal enrichment in cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations - I. A model for chemical enrichment" (2005) Scannapieco, C.; Tissera, P.B.; White, S.D.M.; Springel, V. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 364(2):552-564