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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
"The effects of mergers on the formation of disc-bulge systems in hierarchical clustering scenarios" (2003) Scannapieco, C.; Tissera, P.B. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 338(4):880-890
"On the source of dense outflows from T Tauri stars -I. Photoionization of cool MHD disc winds" (2003) Ferro-Fontán, C.; Gómez de Castro, A.I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 342(2):427-438
"Observations of the neutral hydrogen surrounding the radio-quiet neutron star RX J0822-4300 in Puppis A" (2003) Reynoso, E.M.;Green, A.J.;Johnston, S. (...)Goss, W.M. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 345(2):671-677
"Gravitational microlensing of γ-ray blazars" (2003) Torres, D.F.;Romero, G.E.;Eiroa, E.F. (...)Pessah, M.E. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 339(2):335-352
"Galaxy pairs in the 2dF survey -I. Effects of interactions on star formation in the field" (2003) Lambas, D.G.; Tissera, P.B.; Sol Alonso, M.; Coldwell, G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 346(4):1189-1196