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Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
"The number of convergent graphs under the biclique operator with no twin vertices is finite" (2009) Groshaus, M.E.; Montero, L.P. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 35(C):241-246
"Short Models for Unit Interval Graphs" (2009) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 35(C):247-255
"On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs" (2009) Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Safe, M.D.; Wagler, A.K. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 35(C):41-46
"On coloring problems with local constraints" (2009) Bonomo, F.; Faenza, Y.; Oriolo, G. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 35(C):215-220
"Cycle transversals in bounded degree graphs" (2009) Groshaus, M.;Hell, P.;Klein, S. (...)Protti, F. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 35(C):189-195