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Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
"Tight lower bounds on the number of bicliques in false-twin-free graphs" (2015) Groshaus, M.; Montero, L. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 50:293-298
"The caterpillar-packing polytope" (2015) Marenco, J. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 50:47-52
"On unit interval graphs with integer endpoints" (2015) Durán, G.;Fernández Slezak, F.;Grippo, L.N. (...)Szwarcfiter, J. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 50:445-450
"On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid" (2015) Alcón, L.;Bonomo, F.;Durán, G. (...)Valencia-Pabon, M. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 50:249-254
"k-tuple chromatic number of the cartesian product of graphs" (2015) Bonomo, F.; Koch, I.; Torres, P.; Valencia-Pabon, M. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 50:243-248
"Efficient and Perfect domination on circular-arc graphs" (2015) Lin, M.C.; Mizrahi, M.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 50:307-312