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Discrete Applied Mathematics
"Powers of cycles, powers of paths, and distance graphs" (2011) Lin, M.C.; Rautenbach, D.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(7):621-627
"Partial characterizations of circle graphs" (2011) Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L.N.; Safe, M.D. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(16):1699-1706
"On the b-coloring of P4-tidy graphs" (2011) Velasquez, C.I.B.; Bonomo, F.; Koch, I. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(1):60-68
"Minimum sum set coloring of trees and line graphs of trees" (2011) Bonomo, F.; Durn, G.; Marenco, J.; Valencia-Pabon, M. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(5):288-294