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Discrete Applied Mathematics
"On the thinness and proper thinness of a graph" (2018) Bonomo, F.; de Estrada, D. Discrete Applied Mathematics
"On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid" (2018) Alcón, L.;Bonomo, F.;Durán, G. (...)Valencia-Pabon, M. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 234:12-21
"Domination parameters with number 2: Interrelations and algorithmic consequences" (2018) Bonomo, F.;Brešar, B.;Grippo, L.N. (...)Safe, M.D. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 235:23-50
"Approximating weighted induced matchings" (2018) Lin, M.C.; Mestre, J.; Vasiliev, S. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 243:304-310