Lista de

Astrophysical Journal
"Three-dimensional tomographic analysis of a high-cadence LASCO-C2 polarized brightness sequence" (2007) Frazin, R.A.; Vásquez, A.M.; Kamalabadi, F.; Park, H. Astrophysical Journal. 671(2 PART 2):L201-L204
"The temporal evolution of coronal loops observed by GOES SXI" (2007) López Fuentes, M.C.; Klimchuk, J.A.; Mandrini, C.H. Astrophysical Journal. 657(2 I):1127-1136
"Millimagnitude photometry for transiting extrasolar planetary candidates. IV. Solution to the puzzle of the extremely red OGLE-TR-82 primary" (2007) Hoyer, S.;Alegría, S.R.;Ivanov, V.D. (...)Pérez, F. Astrophysical Journal. 669(2):1345-1353
"Millimagnitude photometry for transiting extrasolar planetary candidates. III. Accurate radius and period for OGLE-TR-111-b1" (2007) Minniti, D.;Fernández, J.M.;Díaz, R.F. (...)Zoccali, M. Astrophysical Journal. 660(1 I):858-862
"Millimagnitude photometry for transiting extrasolar planetary candidates. II. Transits of OGLE-TR-113-b in the optical and near-ir" (2007) Díaz, R.F.;Ramírez, S.;Fernández, J.M. (...)Zoccali, M. Astrophysical Journal. 660(1 I):850-857