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Annals of Operations Research
"A cluster-first route-second approach for the swap body vehicle routing problem" (2017) Miranda-Bront, J.J.;Curcio, B.;Méndez-Díaz, I. (...)Zabala, P. Annals of Operations Research. 253(2):935-956
"An asymmetric multi-item auction with quantity discounts applied to Internet service procurement in Buenos Aires public schools" (2017) Bonomo, F.;Catalán, J.;Durán, G. (...)Marenco, J. Annals of Operations Research. 258(2):569-585
"An ILP-based local search procedure for the VRP with pickups and deliveries" (2017) Montero, A.; José Miranda-Bront, J.; Méndez-Díaz, I. Annals of Operations Research. 259(1-2):327-350
"Neighborhood covering and independence on P4-tidy graphs and tree-cographs" (2017) Durán, G.; Safe, M.; Warnes, X. Annals of Operations Research:1-32
"Solving the operating room scheduling problem with prioritized lists of patients" (2017) Durán, G.; Rey, P.A.; Wolff, P. Annals of Operations Research. 258(2):395-414