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Journal of Mammalogy
"Regional and local determinants of rodent assemblages in agroecosystems of the Argentine Pampas" (2017) Fischer, C.M.G.; Cavia, R.; Picasso, P.; Bilenca, D. Journal of Mammalogy. 98(6):1760-1767
"Spatial segregation among pampas deer and exotic ungulates: A comparative analysis at site and landscape scales" (2017) Carusi, L.C.P.; Beade, M.S.; Bilenca, D.N. Journal of Mammalogy. 98(3):761-769
"Why invasive Patagonian beavers thrive in unlikely habitats: A demographic perspective" (2017) Pietrek, A.G.;Escobar, J.M.;Fasola, L. (...)Schiavini, A. Journal of Mammalogy. 98(1):1-10