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Marine Pollution Bulletin
"Effects of sewage discharges on lipid and fatty acid composition of the Patagonian bivalve Diplodon chilensis" (2013) Rocchetta, I.;Pasquevich, M.Y.;Heras, H. (...)Luquet, C.M. Marine Pollution Bulletin
"Reef-forming polychaetes outcompetes ecosystem engineering mussels" (2013) Jaubet, M.L.; Garaffo, G.V.; Sánchez, M.A.; Elías, R. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 71(1-2):216-221
"Trace metal pyritization variability in response to mangrove soil aerobic and anaerobic oxidation processes" (2013) Machado, W.;Borrelli, N.L.;Ferreira, T.O. (...)Guizan, C. Marine Pollution Bulletin