Lista de

VI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'99 , The XII MEDYFINOL Conference on 'Statistical Physics of Dynamic and Complex Systems'
"Analytical study of stochastic resonance in a monostable non-harmonic system" (2000) Strier, D.E.; Drazer, G.; Wio, H.S. VI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'99 , The XII MEDYFINOL Conference on 'Statistical Physics of Dynamic and Complex Systems'. 283(1):255-260
"Liquid-drop-like model for cylindrical helium systems" (2000) Szybisz, L. VI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'99 , The XII MEDYFINOL Conference on 'Statistical Physics of Dynamic and Complex Systems'. 283(1):193-197
"Maximum Lyapunov exponent of highly excited finite systems" (2000) Balenzuela, P.; Dorso, C.O. VI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'99 , The XII MEDYFINOL Conference on 'Statistical Physics of Dynamic and Complex Systems'. 283(1):267-272
"Nitrogen stars: Morphogenesis of a liquid drop" (2000) Strier, D.E.; Duarte, A.A.; Ferrari, H.; Mindlin, G.B. VI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'99 , The XII MEDYFINOL Conference on 'Statistical Physics of Dynamic and Complex Systems'. 283(1):261-266