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Hernández, Ester Susana
"Spectral and thermodynamical properties of symmetric nuclear matter with Gogny interaction" (1994) Ventura, J.; Polls, A.; Viñas, X.; Hernandez, E.S. Nuclear Physics, Section A. 578(1-2):147-167
"Quasiscalar map for a kicked spin 1 2" (1994) Hernández, E.S.; Gatica, S.M. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 212(1-2):110-117
"From stochastic phase-space evolution to brownian motion in collective space" (1994) Benhassine, B.;Farine, M.;Hernández, E.S. (...)Sébille, F. Nuclear Physics, Section A. 567(3):663-684