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Gulisano, Adriana María
"Global and local expansion of magnetic clouds in the inner heliosphere" (2010) Gulisano, A.M.;Démoulin, P.;Dasso, S. (...)Marsch, E. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 509(1)
"Evolution of magnetic clouds in the inner heliosphere" (2010) Gulisano, A.M.;Démoulin, P.;Dasso, S. (...)Marsch, E. 12th International Solar Wind Conference. 1216:391-394
"Determining the Solar Source of a Magnetic Cloud Using a Velocity Difference Technique" (2010) Harra, L.K.;Mandrini, C.H.;Dasso, S. (...)Imada, S. Solar Physics. 268(1):213-230