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Grosz, Diego Fernando
"PCF-based tunable source of femtosecond pulses in the visible region" (2010) Rieznik, A.A.;Bettachini, V.A.;König, P.G. (...)Bragas, A.V. Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2010
"On the dynamics of a single-bit stochastic-resonance memory device" (2010) Ibáñez, S.A.;Fierens, P.I.;Perazzo, R.P.J. (...)Grosz, D.F. European Physical Journal B. 76(1):49-55
"Experimental investigation of noise-assisted information transmission and storage via stochastic resonance" (2010) Patterson, G.A.;Goya, A.F.;Fierens, P.I. (...)Grosz, D.F. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 389(9):1965-1970
"A memory device sustained by noise" (2010) Fierens, P.I.;Ibáñez, S.A.;Perazzo, R.P.J. (...)Grosz, D.F. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 374(22):2207-2209