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Fernandez, Gustavo Javier
"Male parental care in Greater Rheas (Rhea americana) in Argentina" (2003) Fernández, G.J.; Reboreda, J.C. Auk. 120(2):418-428
"Group copulation solicitation display among female Greater Rheas" (2003) Fernández, G.J.; Mermoz, M.E. Wilson Bulletin. 115(4):467-470
"Effect of group size on individual and collective vigilance in greater rheas" (2003) Fernández, G.J.; Capurro, A.F.; Reboreda, J.C. Ethology. 109(5):413-425
"Effect of egg type on the estimation of nest predation in passerines" (2003) Svagelj, W.S.; Mermoz, M.E.; Fernández, G.J. Journal of Field Ornithology. 74(3):243-249