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Fiorini, Vanina Dafne
"The economics of nestmate killing in avian brood parasites: A provisions trade-off" (2012) Gloag, R.;Tuero, D.T.;Fiorini, V.D. (...)Kacelnik, A. Behavioral Ecology. 23(1):132-140
"Shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis egg size and chick growth vary between two hosts that differ markedly in body size" (2012) Tuero, D.T.; Fiorini, V.D.; Mahler, B.; Reboreda, J.C. Journal of Avian Biology. 43(3):227-233
"Do shiny cowbird females adjust egg pecking behavior according to the level of competition their chicks face in host nests?" (2012) Tuero, D.T.; Fiorini, V.D.; Reboreda, J.C. Behavioural Processes. 89(2):137-142
"Brood parasite eggs enhance egg survivorship in a multiply parasitized host" (2012) Gloag, R.; Fiorini, V.D.; Reboreda, J.C.; Kacelnik, A. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 279(1734):1831-1839