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Del Pezzo, Leandro M.
"Tug-of-war games and parabolic problems with spatial and time dependence" (2014) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Rossi, J.D. Differential and Integral Equations. 27(3-4):269-288
"The unique continuation property for a nonlinear equation on trees" (2014) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Mosquera, C.A.; Rossi, J.D. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 89(2):364-382
"Order of convergence of the finite element method for the p(x)-Laplacian" (2014) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Martínez, S. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 35(4):1864-1887
"H2 regularity for the p(x)-Laplacian in two-dimensional convex domains" (2014) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Martínez, S. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 410(2):939-952
"Existence, uniqueness and decay rates for evolution equations on trees" (2014) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Mosquera, C.A.; Rossi, J.D. Portugaliae Mathematica. 71(1):63-77
"Estimates for nonlinear harmonic measures on trees" (2014) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Mosquera, C.A.; Rossi, J.D. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. 45(3):405-432