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Di Giacomo, Adrián Santiago
"No evidence for widespread bird declines in protected South American forests" (2011) Stouffer, P.C.;Cockle, K.L.;Aleixo, A. (...)Sánchez, C. Climatic Change. 108(1):383-386
"Male and female reproductive success in a threatened Polygynous species : the Strange-tailed Tyrant, Alectrurus risora" (2011) Di Giacomo, A.S.; Di Giacomo, A.G.; Reboreda, J.C. Condor. 113(3):619-628
"Effects of grassland burning on reproductive success of globally threatened Strange-tailed Tyrants Alectrurus risora" (2011) Di Giacomo, A.G.; Di Giacomo, A.S.; Reboreda, J.C. Bird Conservation International. 21(4):411-422