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Dickenstein, Alicia Marcela
"Tropical discriminants" (2007) Dickenstein, A.; Feichtner, E.M.; Sturmfels, B. Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 20(4):1111-1133
"Foreword from the Editors" (2007) Dickenstein, A.; Gianni, P.; Recio, T. Journal of Symbolic Computation. 42(1-2):1-3
"Counting solutions to binomial complete intersections" (2007) Cattani, E.; Dickenstein, A. Journal of Complexity. 23(1):82-107
"Complete intersections in toric ideals" (2007) Cattani, E.; Curran, R.; Dickenstein, A. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 135(2):329-335