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Dickenstein, Alicia Marcela
"Toric dynamical systems" (2009) Craciun, G.; Dickenstein, A.; Shiu, A.; Sturmfels, B. Journal of Symbolic Computation. 44(11):1551-1565
"Matrix representations for toric parametrizations" (2009) Botbol, N.; Dickenstein, A.; Dohm, M. Computer Aided Geometric Design. 26(7):757-771
"Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via toric fibrations" (2009) Dickenstein, A.; Di Rocco, S.; Piene, R. Advances in Mathematics. 222(1):240-254
"About the cover: a hidden praise of mathematics" (2009) Dickenstein, A. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 46(1):125-129