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Cabrera, Gabriela Myriam
"Synthesis of chemically diverse esters of 5-aminolevulinic acid for photodynamic therapy via the multicomponent Passerini reaction" (2016) Gola, G.F.;Di Venosa, G.M.;Sáenz, D.A. (...)Ramírez, J.A. RSC Advances. 6(92):89492-89498
"Spermidine alkaloid from Banara parviflora" (2016) Moritz, M.I.G.;Zimmermann, L.A.;Bordignon, S.A.L. (...)Schenkel, E.P. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy. 26(6):759-762
"Host selection by Ibalia leucospoides based on temporal variations of volatiles from the hosts’ fungal symbiont" (2016) Jofré, N.;Pildain, M.B.;Cirigliano, A.M. (...)Martínez, A.S. Journal of Applied Entomology. 140(10):736-743