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Cortiñas, Guillermo Horacio
"Lecture Notes in Mathematics: Preface" (2011) Baum, P.F.;Cortiñas, G.;Meyer, R. (...)Töen, B. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 2008:VII-XI
"Lecture Notes in Mathematics: Foreword" (2011) Cortiñas, G. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 2008
"Algebraic v. topological K-theory: A friendly match" (2011) Cortiñas, G. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 2008:103-165
"A negative answer to a question of bass" (2011) CortiNas, G.; Haesemeyer, C.; Walker, M.E.; Weibel, C. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 139(4):1187-1200