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Contreras, Rubén Horacio
"Population Analysis with Hydrogen 2 p Polarization Functions Included in the INDO Basis Set" (1980) Facelli, J.C.; Contreras, R.H. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences. 35(12):1350-1353
"Influence of the INDO parameterization on the indirect spin–spin coupling constants as calculated by the FPT INDO method" (1980) Contreras, R.H.; Engelmann, A.R.; Scuseria, G.E.; Facelli, J.C. Organic Magnetic Resonance. 13(2):137-142
"Four-bond interproton spin-spin coupling in pyridines" (1980) Contreras, R.H.; Kowalewski, V.J. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 39(2):291-295
"Additive of substituent effects on the chemical shift of the formyl proton in disubstituted benzaldehydes" (1980) Castañeda, H.O.; Contreras, R.H.; de Kowalewski, D.G. Organic Magnetic Resonance. 13(4):308-309